Monday, February 4, 2008

Is it the rain?

Or is it the cold? Why are Mondays so very very hard? I'm here at my studio, in front of a painting I'm happy with, with friends and back from a lovely lunch with my husband. Why is it so hard to lift my paintbrush?

Oh. Maybe because I worked so hard at the gym last night. My arms are tired. No wonder.

Ok, here's the painting progress for today:

Look! Color! So much fun!

Now that I've got the big shapes blocked in, the progress will appear to go rather slowly, because what's left is mostly detail work. It will be hard to capture the daily changes in a large photo. I'll continue to post a picture daily, but fair warning--it's going to be a bit boring for a while. (For you. As for me, I love detail work!)

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