Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I know, I know...

I'm behind on posting. But I've been painting. See?

A whole new painting to look at. This is a collection of souvenirs from Chris's adventures recently. There's a painted tile from Tunisia, a terracotta box from somewhere (maybe Syria?), a small carved figurine from Easter Island and a bottle filled with sand from Jordan. The blue bowl is from the far off distant land of Anthropologie, but I wanted something blue-green and round, sort of as a symbol of the world. And looking inside the paper bag was my idea of exploring new places from a different angle. Also, it was pretty. Here's a view of my set-up.

I haven't yet painted the red handles and they're an important part of the composition. I still have a lot to do before that though. The color inside the bag is really important. I want it to glow, so that your eye is really drawn in to the bag. I'm trying to get everything else nailed down nicely before I really work on the bag.

Several people lately have told me that they can see how much progress I'm making. I've been doubtful, but I can see changes in my approach with this painting. I'm much more deliberate about things when I have a problem now. It's exciting to finally push past a plateau.

Also, you have no idea how satisfying it is that I can't see the difference between my painting and the wall in the top photo. I worked so very very hard to get that wall color right!

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