Thursday, February 7, 2008

Off to the museum.

Just a quick update before I leave the studio for the week.

It's a good day. Mitt Romney dropped out of the presidential race, I had a really wonderful piroshki for lunch and I made much progress on my painting.

Look, a glass!

And here's the whole painting-- I think it's coming together.

So today in the studio we talked about books rather than Art History and therefore, I'm going to do the same thing. First, another influential artist--Thomas Buechner. His book, How I Paint, is out of print now, but I still use it constantly. He approaches landscape, still life and portraits with common sense and without pretention. It's one of those books that I learn from every time I open it. Honestly, I know very little about him as a person. But his work really speaks to me. If you can get a copy of his book, it's well worth the read.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Mrs. Guil-... Jolie has a blog!

    I am so glad to see that you are taking up painting full-time and doing what you love. It's wonderful and you are still an amazing painter - and getting better!

    Take care, keep loving God and life, and play lots of Super Mario Galaxy for me, because I haven't gotten to yet!
