Friday, February 13, 2009


The English teacher in me is really in to metaphors. This is something that annoys Chris. I'm always using metaphors in conversation and he listens with the little bit of patience that he has acquired during our marriage (believe me, he has way more than I ever thought he would), until eventually he says, "What are you trying to say?"

And then I read him a poem. He LOVES that.

When we arrived in Portland Sunday, and unloaded the truck, and began to make order of all the boxes, we then made our way to Fred Meyer to get groceries. I never went to Fred Meyer in Seattle, because it wasn't on a bus line for me, but the one here is less than two blocks away, so I think I'll be there a lot. So far I've actually been every day since we moved to Portland. It could be dangerous.

Sorry-- back to the subject. At Fred Meyer, there is a garden center just past the produce section. So while Chris was choosing bananas, I wandered over to the seeds. I thought it would be cool to have a plant that we started growing on our first day in our new home. Chris just rolled his eyes, but I bought the seeds and soil.

So I brought them home and put the seeds in the soil and put them in a sunny window.
And I realized -- METAPHOR! Chris had to listen to my ramblings again... "See Chris? It's like us-- we've been transplanted, but we don't have any roots yet!"

So this is where I am now:

Hopefully roots will come. And our new life here will slowly sprout.

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