Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Intention: Donuts (and a Job)

Hello out there...

I've decided to stop whining and actually ask for help. This goes back to intentions. And also, pride. My pride doesn't really like me to ask for help. And donuts. Wait-- not donuts, I was just thinking about donuts, because of the vegan experiment. Vegan donuts are not very good, by the way.

Ok, away from donuts and back to asking for help.

Dear Universe:

Here's what I'm asking for. A job. A job that's fulfilling and fun with cool people. A job that allows me to have a little structure to my days and get out of the house occasionally, but doesn't take too much time from painting. A job that provides a reasonable income and maybe even health insurance, but doesn't require me to wear pantyhose. A job that provides all of that for less than 25 hours per week. A job that challenges me, but doesn't leave me too exhausted to paint or wander. And offers flexibility for the occasional travel with the husband. Ideally, this job would provide me with artist connections here in my new city, too.

Here's what I'm offering: me. I'll give this job all my very best effort when I'm there and I'll even think about creative ways to make my job more fun, my co-workers lives better and I'll show up with a good attitude at least 95% of the time. I'll be my usual friendly, smart, creative self. I'll enjoy this job. I'll do a good job. I'll be willing to learn new things and even like it.

If you've got an offer, you know where to find me.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. And if it's not too much trouble, can you make sure that there's a Bavarian Cream donut for me this Sunday? It's the 3rd week in a row that I've been really excited about having one on my non-vegan day, only to find that someone has bought all of them before I get there. Of course, they're there Monday-Saturday when I can't have one... can you do something about this for me? Please?


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Can't you buy the donut on Saturday but eat it on Sunday?!

  2. Don't go ruining my ideas with logic, Helen!

    No, by Saturday afternoon, I'm so ready for donuts and cheese and yogurt and ice cream, that I can't go near the stuff. The temptation would be too great!

  3. Ask...Ask the donut baker to save you a Bavarian cream one for Sunday...also for the job...go somewhere & apply for the job you won't get that job you want if you don't ask...I promise...

  4. You're right, grovecanada. It's something I'm re-learning all the time.
