Thursday, January 10, 2008

Four stages.

I just finished reading Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck. It's about the process of learning to do the things in life that you really love. The way that she describes this process uses four stages. I'm really simplifying this, but stage one is uncertainty and fear. Stage two she calls scheming and dreaming. Stage three involves trial and error and retrial and hard work. Stage four is success.

Last night as I neared the end of the book, I realized that these are very similar to the stages that I go through with a painting. Stage one is a blank canvas, many possibilities and the fear of the unknown. Stage two is grasping an idea and getting excited about all the things this painting could be. Stage three is somewhere after the initial block in, when I run in to a problem and my confidence begins to lag. Stage four is when things begin to click and then I know I'm close to finished. The painting becomes eye catching and "sings" (as my studio-mate Julia says).

The problem with the toaster painting is that though I felt I was nearing the end, I hadn't reached stage four yet. I felt like I was trapped in the third stage. It wasn't singing. Until today. (sigh of relief) This afternoon I restructured the values in the background and stepped back to check my work. It certainly wasn't singing the Alleluia Chorus, but I did seem to hear a distinct humming sound! Hooray for Stage Four!!

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