Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesdays are for review...

I set aside a bit of time every Tuesday to check my work...How am I doing? What have I accomplished this week?

Hmm...I worked in my studio. I worked at the museum. I helped Chris get a few stars in Super Mario Galaxy (we love the Wii!). I walked more than 9000 steps each day. I read two books. I got my hair dyed (I'm blondish now). I called a faraway friend. I was deliberate in my eating choices. I made more progress on the self portrait that's on my easel at the moment. I finished knitting a scarf. I started knitting some socks. I painted a small still life. I worked on writing my artist's statement. I made a new recipe for dinner. I scheduled a hike with a friend. I set up this blog. I declined lots of catalogs from catalogchoice.org. I got my phone back from vacation. I jumped rope 5 times. I established an inbasket system that seems to be working and I kept up with all of my expenses.

Wow. I accomplished more than I thought. Ok, so what did I miss? Where did I fall behind?

Well,I didn't find the recipe that I need for next week. I still need to clean my studio space more. I didn't accomplish my workout goal and I still need to incorporate more fresh fruit in to my diet. I also need to mop the kitchen floor and work on knitting Chris's sweater.

Now, what's ahead for next week? What do I need to plan for?

I need to practice jumping rope, drive a stick shift, and finish the book I'm reading. I should go to the library and I really would like to finish the self portrait this week. I need to create a color thumbnail of the next big project. I also need to take a few photos for the etsy store there on the sidebar and think more about the structure of this blog.

Ok, so maybe this isn't what the internet wants to read about. But a few people have been asking about our process for finding direction and also, writing this here provides a bit of accountability in the vast sea of things I need to do to get my art going towards a business.

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